Good Buy Trentino

The Good Buy Trentino workshop organized by Trentino Marketing invites both national and international operators to the area by offering them the opportunity to take part in B2B meetings between foreign buyer operators and Trentino tourist professional sellers. The days of the event will be characterized by moments of welcome and conviviality, combined with targeted educational events in the area thanks to the full involvement of the hosting APT. Marketing consortia, travel agencies, product clubs, trade organizations, as well as institutions involved in the promotion, hospitality and enhancement of the territory participate in the event… Come and join us to experience Trentino!


Are you interested in taking part in the upcoming edition?



Main g at e w a ys A22 T r e n t o C e n t r o T r e n t o No r d R ov e r e t o Ala - A vio R ov e r e t o Sud L.di Ga r da S. Michele a.A. Mez z o c o r ona A22 Egna - O r a Bolzano No r d Malè P ejo Rabbi Pin z olo Madonna di Campiglio Cles F ondo Tione Ri v a del Ga r da A rc o T orbole R ov e r e t o F olgaria L a v a r one L e vi c o Caldonaz z o Bo r go V alsugana Grigno T r e n t o Baselga di Pinè C a v alese P r edaz z o Moena Cana z ei San Martino di Cast r o zza Fie r a di Primie r o Andalo Mol v eno San L o r en z o in Banale S t eni c o L ed r o S t o r o Ala A vio Cas t el T esino P asso T onale F olgarida V ason Campi t ello B r e n t oni c o Marill e v a Daolasa C omano T erme T r e viso 133 km V enezia 1 63 km Bologna 2 7 4 km V e r ona 90 km Be r gamo 1 80 km Milano 250 km B r escia 135 km Innsbruck 172 km Bolzano 57 km Mona c o 312 km Lago di Ga r da V al di F assa